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So far Eric Bush has created 82 blog entries.

Is It Time to Look at Equipment Financing Differently?

When you buy commercial equipment, should you think of it as an independent, one-off transaction? Most businesspeople do. In fact, a survey of more than 6,000 companies indicated that only 15% considered the implications of the financing beyond a single asset purchase.

The Silver Lining to a Cloudy Labor Market for Technology Sellers

Economic conditions can, and do, affect us in ways we have no control over. Case in point: today’s inflation and labor shortages.

The Avoidable Reason Customers Say “Not Right Now”

Somewhere in your pipeline or prospect database is a potential opportunity that just won’t become an actual sale, no matter what you try. Your prospect likes you, the company, and your solution. Great. Yet they are not moving forward in the sales process. It’s good vibes all over until it’s time to close the sale, at which time you hear, “maybe not right now.”

2023-05-15T15:19:17-04:00Categories: Blog Posts, Offer Financing|Tags: , |

Four Tips to Encourage Repeat Business

Funnels and pipelines. Keeping sales flow moving can be referenced in different ways. But the secret to building long-term recurring revenue -- and revenue in general -- has less to do with bringing in new customers than how you renew existing ones

Redefining Success: Creating Work Environments That Support Everyone

Leaders can help employees achieve a more meaningful kind of success. Michelle Speranza explains how in the Monitor…

The Customer Is Always Right

You’ve heard the old adage that the ‘customer is always right.’ And the thing is…they’re not. Office equipment buyers will insist they provided you documentation they didn’t. They will complain their invoice is wrong, when it isn’t. They’ll say no one explained how the lease was going to work, when you begged them to pay attention while walking them through everything in your office. No, they’re not always right. But they are always the one that pays the bills so finance administrators are stuck having to manage their ‘perceptions.’ Here are five big tips to handle the not-so-easy customer (taken in part from Rhett Power, a business consultant and coach):

Breaking Out of the Break/Replace Cycle With AFMD

This is going to sound familiar to a lot of businesspeople. You’ve got some equipment you suspect is running on borrowed time. It gives you a little trouble once in a while. Or maybe it doesn’t, but it has kept chugging along well past its expected expiration date. At some point – possibly at the worst possible time – it’s going to give out.

Avoiding the Cash Burden of the Unexpected Expense

There are times when you need to supplement your existing bank lending relationship to move your business forward. Banks are lending as aggressively as ever to support your needs in this challenging time.

The Power of Customer Stories

Your dealership’s best salespeople share similar characteristics. Persistence, work ethic and dedication, for sure. But the best of the best are also great storytellers. The ability to help prospects connect with your solutions by sharing a story of how it worked for someone else is very powerful.

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