Small Business

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Small Business

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Is It Time to Look at Equipment Financing Differently?

June 5, 2024
Read Time: 2 MIN 20 SEC

When you buy commercial equipment, should you think of it as an independent, one-off transaction? Most businesspeople do. In fact,...

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LEAF’s Easy Process

March 29, 2023
Read Time: 1 MIN 00 SEC

Finance equipment for your business is easy with LEAF. How easy? See just how simple the process is in our...

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5 Quick Tips for Spending Wisely on Business Technology
Blog Post

Five Quick Tips for Spending Wisely on Business Technology

March 2, 2023
Read Time: 1 min 00 sec

Struggling with the cost of staying current with business technology? On the one hand, you can’t afford to fall behind....

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Cash Flow Conservation
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Cash Flow Conservation

May 27, 2022
Read Time: 3 MIN 00 SEC

Conserving cash is one of the most important aspects of running any business. Since cash is the most precious of...

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2021 Section 179 Update / A Powerful Incentive For Your Business

Section 179

April 2, 2022
Read Time: 12 MIN 00 SEC

Section 179, the IRS Tax Code that allows a business to deduct the total cost of certain types of equipment...

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10 Things to Look for in a Small Business Financing Solution
Blog Post

Ten Things to Look for in a Small Business Financing Solution

June 10, 2021
Read Time: 2 min 00 sec

With so many options available, choosing a small business financing solution can be time consuming and frustrating, especially if you...

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Blog Post

MPS and the Equipment Vendor Comfort Zone

September 11, 2020
Read Time: 2 min 45 sec

When evaluating their marketplace, equipment vendors and their sales teams often fall into patterns of past experience that can limit...

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How to Run a Great Sales Contest
Blog Post

How to Run a Great Sales Contest

August 21, 2020
Read Time: 2 MIN 00 SEC

Salespeople love to win. It’s not enough to be good – they want to be the best. That drive can...

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Blog Post

Paying for Your Vision

July 30, 2020
Read Time: 2 min 00 sec

One of the best parts of our job is hearing the stories of business owners, especially stories about how the...

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Blog Post

Six Tips to Build Business Credit

January 13, 2020
Read Time: 2 min 00 sec

Credit is a funny thing. Or maybe not so much funny as titanically frustrating. If you really need credit, it’s...

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When It Comes to Financing Equipment, Asking for Help Can Be a Good Thing
Blog Post

When It Comes to Financing Equipment, Asking for Help Can Be a Good Thing

July 11, 2019
Read Time: 1 min 30 sec

As a small business owner, you’ve probably been a little underwhelmed by how little some finance alternatives may know about...

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The Link Between Rapid Business Growth and Equipment Financing
Blog Post

The Link Between Rapid Business Growth and Equipment Financing

February 6, 2019
Read Time: 1 MIN 30 SEC

If you had to buy your next personal vehicle with cash on hand, what kind of vehicle would you drive?...

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Section 179 - How to get the Most Out of the Section 179 Deduction - Click Here

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