Cash Flow

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Cash Flow

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7 Reasons Not to Let Rates Derail Equipment Plans

April 24, 2024
Read Time: 2 MIN 30 SEC

Interest rates are up, and more than a few businesses are adjusting their plans because of them. But taking a...

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5 Quick Tips for Spending Wisely on Business Technology
Blog Post

Five Quick Tips for Spending Wisely on Business Technology

March 2, 2023
Read Time: 1 min 00 sec

Struggling with the cost of staying current with business technology? On the one hand, you can’t afford to fall behind....

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Scaling up Your Business With Confidence
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Scaling up Your Business With Confidence

January 5, 2023
Read Time: 2 MIN 30 SEC

Supporting new revenues requires more than the will to achieve more. It requires capital. Cash reserves are a precious commodity...

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The Dealer Cash Flow Impact of the Finance Offering

The Dealer Cash Flow Impact of the Finance Offering

June 15, 2022
Read Time: 1 min 30 sec

“Cash flow is not just a thing. It’s the only thing.” – Principal of a $114 Million Office Products Dealer....

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Cash Flow Conservation
Blog Post

Cash Flow Conservation

May 27, 2022
Read Time: 3 MIN 00 SEC

Conserving cash is one of the most important aspects of running any business. Since cash is the most precious of...

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Avoiding the Cash Burden of the Unexpected Expense
Blog Post

Avoiding the Cash Burden of the Unexpected Expense

May 10, 2022
Read Time: 1 MIN 30 SEC

There are times when you need to supplement your existing bank lending relationship to move your business forward. Banks are...

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Selling Equipment and Technology to Uncertain Buyers
Blog Post

Selling Equipment and Technology to Uncertain Buyers

April 2, 2022
Read Time: 2 min 45 sec

The uncertainty of an equipment buyer is something that every successful equipment salesperson must deal with. It goes with the...

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The Equipment Purchase: Cash or Financing?
Blog Post

The Equipment Purchase: Cash or Financing?

March 19, 2021
Read Time: 2 min 00 sec

For years, popular “money experts” have preached that you should “never buy with credit what you can buy with cash.”...

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The Big Five Ideas to Grow Your Business
Blog Post

The Big Five Ideas to Grow Your Business

October 21, 2020
Read Time: 1 MIN 45 SEC

There are about 15,000,000 management and business books in the world. Nearly all of them claim to have the secrets...

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Feature Financing in All Your Sales Materials
Blog Post

Feature Financing in All Your Sales Materials

July 30, 2020
Read Time: 00 MIN 45 SEC

Financing is one of the most powerful selling tools available, and that’s even more true in these uncertain times. So...

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Can Healthcare Equipment Plans Withstand the COVID Cash Crunch?
Blog Post

Can Healthcare Equipment Plans Withstand the COVID Cash Crunch?

July 15, 2020
Read Time: 3 MIN 00 SEC

Keeping a healthcare facility properly equipped despite cash flow and budget challenges is not a new problem by any means....

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Tips to Managing Cashflow in a Downturn
Blog Post

Tips to Managing Cash Flow in a Downturn

June 11, 2020
Read Time: 3 MIN 30 SEC

Nothing reinforces the importance of cash flow quite like a sudden disruption in demand. In a period of economic decline,...

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