
Home/Tag: Financing


Blog Post

Recent U.S. Infrastructure Spending Will Impact Equipment Sales – Here’s What to Expect

June 6, 2024
Read Time: 2 MIN 00 SEC

New infrastructure spending initiatives are being introduced across the United States, spurring discussions about their potential effects on various sectors....

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Creative Financing – The Secret Weapon of Sales
Blog Post

Creative Financing – The Secret Weapon of Sales

September 12, 2023
Read Time: 2 min 30 sec

Why creative financing boosts ticket average and helps to close more sales. One of the best ways to sell more...

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Blog Post

Five Best Practices for Borrowing in a Slowing Economy

April 26, 2023
Read Time: 2 MIN 30 SEC

Pain. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell promised all of us some of that when interest rates began rising to curb...

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The Integrated Solution That Wasn't
Blog Post

The Integrated Solution That Wasn’t

January 11, 2023
Read Time: 2 min 00 sec

To say the copier industry is competitive is like saying Steve Jobs had a knack for marketing. Couple that with customer...

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Why Dealers, Vendors, and Resellers Need to Offer more
Blog Post

Why Dealers and Resellers Need to Offer More Financing Choices

January 6, 2023
Read Time: 3 MIN 30 SEC

The world’s spoiled for choice these days. Everywhere, where there used to be one or at most a few options,...

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Cash Flow Conservation
Blog Post

Cash Flow Conservation

May 27, 2022
Read Time: 3 MIN 00 SEC

Conserving cash is one of the most important aspects of running any business. Since cash is the most precious of...

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Avoiding the Cash Burden of the Unexpected Expense
Blog Post

Avoiding the Cash Burden of the Unexpected Expense

May 10, 2022
Read Time: 1 MIN 30 SEC

There are times when you need to supplement your existing bank lending relationship to move your business forward. Banks are...

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Add Online Financing the Easy Way

April 20, 2022
Read Time: 0 MIN 30 SEC

Today’s equipment customers shop online. And they’re financing equipment more than ever before. So they expect your website to feature...

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Why Leading With a Payment Makes Sense
Blog Post

Why Leading With a Payment Makes Sense

April 2, 2022
Read Time: 1 MIN 30 SEC

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Albert Einstein called it insanity. But too many...

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doctor using tablet
Blog Post

How ASCs Can Affordably Invest in Robotics

December 17, 2021
Read Time: 1 MIN 30 SEC

ASC executives, owners, and care providers face a transformational time, and what they do now will have major impacts on...

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Expert Insight

Crit DeMent Recognized as the Monitor’s Industry Icon for 2021

November 8, 2021
Read Time: 4 MIN 00 SEC

LEAF’s Crit DeMent is this year’s Monitor Veteran Icon! Learn more about Crit’s industry journey and get his lessons for...

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10 Things to Look for in a Small Business Financing Solution
Blog Post

Ten Things to Look for in a Small Business Financing Solution

June 10, 2021
Read Time: 2 min 00 sec

With so many options available, choosing a small business financing solution can be time consuming and frustrating, especially if you...

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Section 179 - How to get the Most Out of the Section 179 Deduction - Click Here

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