Offer Financing

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Offer Financing

Blog Post

Do You Offer Hardware-As-a-Service?

June 17, 2024
Read Time: 1 MIN 10 SEC

As-a-service solutions continue to grow in popularity, and technology sellers are constantly introducing new offerings to meet those demands.

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Blog Post

4 Key Attributes to Seek in a Finance Provider

February 29, 2024
Read Time: 1 MIN 30 SEC

Times are changing. The days of super-low interest rates are behind us. And although inflation is improving, it remains high,...

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Blog Post

Growing Revenue With “Bleisure”

February 13, 2024
Read Time: 01M 45SEC

While more people are back in the office than at any time since 2020, employees are still working in a...

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Blog Post

Using Big Data to Power New Revenue Growth

January 18, 2024
Read Time: 02M 30SEC

In early 2023, a Northeast U.S. technology seller was seeing more demand for bundled and as-a-service offerings. But despite nearly...

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Blog Post

Where to Put Your Capital Now

May 8, 2023
Read Time: 5 MIN 30 SEC

Get in-depth insight on your best investments to drive business growth.

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Blog Post

2022 Outlook: Where CIOs Use Financing for Tomorrow’s Technology

July 8, 2022
Read Time: 4 MIN 30 SEC

We’re coming off the some of the most aggressive years of digital transformation many of us have ever seen. Whether...

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Is Finance Admin Busywork Crowding Out Important Work?

April 20, 2022

An automotive lighting manufacturer preparing for a complex R&D relocation wanted to be sure that financing for the project was...

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What Private Equity Investors Think About VARs Now

March 29, 2022


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Man with Headset Working on a Laptop

The Surprising Reason Customers Get Stuck On Price

January 11, 2022
Read Time: 1 MIN 13 SEC

Why do office technology customers focus so much on price? It could be because office technology sales teams teach them...

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Do Vertical Markets Hold the Key to Organic Growth?
Blog Post

Do Vertical Markets Hold the Key to Organic Growth?

September 13, 2021
Read Time: 1 MIN 30 SEC

Should your sales team have some vertical market specialists on it? A recent survey points to a few interesting facts...

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Technology Finance Customer Experience Pulse
Interactive Infographic

Technology Finance Customer Experience Pulse

August 17, 2021
Read Time: 1 MIN 00 SEC

What’s on the minds of your customers now? Thanks to a fast-evolving marketplace and hybrid onsite/remote offices, it’s technology —...

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5 Questions to Find the Right Sales Opportunities
Interactive Infographic

Five Questions to Find the Right Sales Opportunities

August 16, 2021
Read Time: 1 MIN 00 SEC

Where should you target your sales energies and in what industry? As you work out your strategy, it’s a good...

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