Payment Options

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Payment Options

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10 Equipment Investment Trends in the Hospitality Industry Today

June 5, 2024
Read Time: 02 M 15 SEC

In hospitality, a positive guest experience today drives new business tomorrow. And to give customers a great one, hospitality businesses...

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Dealing With the Financial Strain of Upgrades?
Blog Post

Dealing With the Financial Strain of Equipment and Technology Upgrades? Here’s a Thought…

July 11, 2022
Read Time: 2 MIN 00 SEC

There is a software assistant in your phone that answers your questions. Websites seem to read your mind from the...

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The Secret to Closing More Equipment Sales
Blog Post

The Secret to Closing More Equipment Sales

October 18, 2021
Read Time: 0 MIN 45 SEC

Selling is the process of solving problems. But one problem that is often overlooked is the ability to pay. If...

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The Equipment Purchase: Cash or Financing?
Blog Post

The Equipment Purchase: Cash or Financing?

March 19, 2021
Read Time: 2 min 00 sec

For years, popular “money experts” have preached that you should “never buy with credit what you can buy with cash.”...

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Blog Post

Paying for Your Vision

July 30, 2020
Read Time: 2 min 00 sec

One of the best parts of our job is hearing the stories of business owners, especially stories about how the...

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Cash vs. Equipment Financing

January 3, 2017
Read Time: 1 MIN 15 SEC

Ding! Ding! Ding! Tonight's match up Cash vs. Equipment Financing...See how cash sizes up against financing in these 4 rounds!

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The Hardest Sale You'll Ever Make
Blog Post

Equipment Financing Outside Your Bank May Be the Best Thing You Can Do for Your Bank Relationship

November 17, 2016
Read Time: 1 min 30 sec

Many of you may feel your banking relationship is increasingly complicated. Bankers are under more and more pressure to comply...

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Counter Price Objections With Affordable Payments

January 21, 2015
Read Time: 0 MIN 30 SEC

If your business is like most, your customers are constantly pressuring you on price. Of course, it’s not that they...

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How Will You Be Paying for That?

April 24, 2014
Read Time: 1 MIN 30 SEC

It’s true! Every year, more customers are turning to financing over paying cash for their business equipment and software.

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Section 179 - How to get the Most Out of the Section 179 Deduction - Click Here

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