
Home/Tag: Hospitality


Blog Post

10 Equipment Investment Trends in the Hospitality Industry Today

June 5, 2024
Read Time: 02 M 15 SEC

In hospitality, a positive guest experience today drives new business tomorrow. And to give customers a great one, hospitality businesses...

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Blog Post

When’s the Smartest Time to Replace Kitchen Equipment?

April 2, 2024
Read Time: 01 MIN 20 SEC

For each of the past three years, restaurants have put an increasing amount of their capital into new kitchen equipment,...

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Blog Post

Growing Revenue With “Bleisure”

February 13, 2024
Read Time: 01M 45SEC

While more people are back in the office than at any time since 2020, employees are still working in a...

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Capitalizing on New Travel and Dining Trends

September 7, 2023
Read Time: 2MIN 00SEC

In a marketplace where demand for travel and dining out have remained remarkably strong in the face of rising prices...

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Capitalizing on New Travel and Dining Trends

September 7, 2023
Read Time: 2MIN 00SEC

In a marketplace where demand for travel and dining out have remained remarkably strong in the face of rising prices...

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