Brand Loyalty

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Brand Loyalty

The Hardest Sale You'll Ever Make
Blog Post

The Hardest Sale You’ll Ever Make

January 9, 2020
Read Time: 2 min 00 sec

The hardest sale you’ll ever make is the first sale to a new customer. That’s not to say that all...

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4 Ways to Lose a Customer to the Competition
Blog Post

4 Ways to Lose a Customer to the Competition

April 27, 2015
Read Time: 3 min 00 sec

By some estimates, getting a new customer costs five times as much as keeping one you already have. And once you get...

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Building a Long-Term Relationship With Your Financing Company
Blog Post

Building a Long-Term Relationship With Your Financing Company

September 12, 2012
Read Time: 1 min 45 sec

Whether you’re at the grocery store, the clothing store, the car dealership or anywhere else you go to buy things,...

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Section 179 - How to get the Most Out of the Section 179 Deduction - Click Here

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