The rise in direct mail since the pandemic has spurred significant interest in acquiring production print equipment. But many companies are holding back and missing out on opportunities because they just aren’t comfortable with inflexible upfront investments in the equipment needed to go after direct mail business.

For these businesses, production print equipment financing can be the difference between capturing an opportunity and surrendering it to competitors. The right equipment financing solution provides the flexibility to scale effectively, manage costs, and stay at the cutting edge of direct mail equipment and technology.

Predictably, dealers that offer these finance solutions are more likely to see a jump in their sales. Here’s why production print equipment dealers and customers across the country think financing solutions can be game changers for their bottom lines.

The Customer Perspective

“We were able to preserve cash and scale into new types of direct mail, effectively matching new revenue to expenses,” says the Unit CFO of a regional direct mail company. “Financing was essential for us in our 34% growth over the last two years.”

Today’s cutting-edge equipment doesn’t stay on the cutting edge forever. And financing doesn’t just ease budget strains – it helps businesses affordably keep up with technology that’s always evolving.

“For us, new technology means lower overall production costs per print,” says the CEO of a production print company. “Financing gives us a program to stay current with technology and acts as a continuous improvement program for production costs.”

The direct mail industry is fast paced. Financing empowers businesses to scale up or dial down their operations quickly, responding to the market’s pulse without the chains of outdated, owned equipment. This flexibility isn’t just convenient – it’s crucial.

“With direct mail volumes changing radically from year to year, deploying long-term capital for a short-term need makes little sense,” says the CEO of a direct mail company focused on the banking industry. “Financing helps us manage this risk.”

The Dealer Perspective

“Since COVID, we’ve seen growing demand in direct mail and the production equipment demand surrounding it. But we were consistently losing those deals,” says the VP, Sales Leader, of a $200M Southeast US office technology seller. “It wasn’t until we built a unique financing solution around the need that we started to benefit from the rising trend.”

Penetrating mail-intensive industries such as retail and finance is no minor feat. Financing gives you what you need to not just enter but succeed in these domains. It breaks down financial barriers to expansion, allowing you to offer comprehensive, high-impact print solutions for your customers.

“Affordability remains the most powerful club we have in the bag,” says the CEO of a $180M office technology seller. “Helping production print companies reach new markets with higher volume equipment has been an essential growth tactic for us – and creative financing has allowed us to do it.”

Capture More Production Print Opportunities With LEAF

From preserving cash flow to driving sales to helping customers respond to changing market demands, financing offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges you and your customers face.

As a leader in the industry for decades, you can trust LEAF to bring the creative financing solutions you need to grow your business and win production print and direct mail opportunities.